The good, the bad, and the beautiful.
Bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta), are blooming and it’s one of my favourite times to go out and capture these wonderful displays of flowers. However, sadly due to the Covid-19 lockdown restrictions I can’t get out this year. That’s the bad news, but I am lucky because I can go back to some of the previous years and remember the joy of photographing these beautiful flowers.
As with so many things that are beautiful and become popular with the public, spots like this one in Herefordshire, where I took these photos, can become overwhelmed and abused. At one point this area was losing many of its Bluebells due to the amount of people having picnics on top of the flowers, walking all over them (including photographers) and even picking them!Fortunately, the National Trust stepped in and increased the protection in the location, which brings me on to the good news.
This year this spot is closed, which is great for the Bluebells and their recovery. With a break from the public next year will be an even greater show.
So, even though I was looking forward to one of my mini adventures, I’m also hoping that a lot of our UK’s struggling nature has the chance to recover.
For more information on Bluebells got to